Nova Type Foundry's Type Glossary

Typography is a subject we love - kerning, small capitals, punctuation, alignment, baseline grids and optical sizes - we love it all. So we have been helping Joana, the founder of Nova Type Foundry, with Nova's social media communication: strategic marketing within a subject we hold dear. You can read here the post we wrote about this project.

Our love for all typography's details originated Nova Type Foundry's Type Glossary. A Glossary of typography terminology comprises 32 posts where you can find information on several topics from typeface classifications, glyphs' anatomy, legibility rules, type design tips and much more.

Take a look at @novatypefoundry 's profile and explore these and all the other content we have published there!


Above: Some of the images of this Glossary.


Our co-founder Alice Bernardo on Crafts Education


How we made the BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY identity